SHATNER SUNDAY: Shatner bugging out in SHOOT OR BE SHOT
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Got a tip for Monsters and Rockets? Want to contribute to the site? Send Greg Stacy an email. Read more...
Sci-fi, Horror and All Things Geek
George Romero's original Night of the Living Dead, re-cut into an interactive, choose-your-own-adventure Youtube series. Admittedly there are plenty of times here where they sort of cheat and you're only presented with one "choice," but it's still a clever idea, well executed.
Inspired by this apocalyptic moment from an old Daniel Clowes Eightball comic, Hi-Fi Pizza of the Apocalypse is a Monsters and Rockets feature where we chronicle the spectacularly unnecessary Hollywood rehashes, recyclings and recombinings that serve as ominous portents of the End Times.
This is apparently a thing that is really happening: Rubik's Cube: The Movie.
This clip was all over the place this week, but if you missed it... Well, maybe you'd do just as well to keep on missing it. Shatner singing Cee-Lo Green's catchy and very much NSFW hit **** You sounds like it should be great fun, but somehow it doesn't really click. Shatner seems like he's struggling to keep up with the music, and the results are neither awesome nor awesomely bad.
I think the proximity to George Lopez temporarily robbed Shatner of his innate awesomeness. It's a phenomenon scientists refer to as the Lopez Effect, in which any awesome celebrity rapidly loses their awesome the longer they remain on the set of the George Lopez Show. Shatner dared to cross the Lopez Event Horizon, and we all paid the price.
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