My dad, in addition to being a pretty great dad, is also a pretty great writer. His latest book,
Barstow Bones, is a pulse-pounding mystery set in the Barstow of the 1980s. It's a time and a place I know well, and in addition to writing a compelling mystery I think my dad has really captured the era and setting. Perhaps I'm a tad biased by my dad being my dad and all, but I think this book is terrific and I'd suggest that you buy a few dozen copies immediately. (And hey, you don't have to just take my word for it that my old man's got the goods.
Publisher's Weekly described the book as having "real depth" and said the plot was "smooth paced.")
You can click on over to
the official website to learn more about the book and buy yourself a copy in
paperback or as a
Kindle edition.
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