SHATNER SUNDAY: The lost "Rockman" of STAR TREK V
Sunday, June 26, 2011
For his lone directorial effort in the Trek franchise, Shatner envisioned a grand tale of friend against friend, man against God, and Kirk against Rockman. He planned for the film to climax with Kirk's spectacular fight against five rock monsters, but they had to be cut to one Rockman for budget reasons and then the sequence ended up getting cut altogether. Too bad. As seen in the screen tests above, this had the potential to be an unforgettable sequence: two glowing eyes suddenly blink to life in the dark rock face, and then a great, jagged shape breaks free from the wall of stone and comes lumbering toward a terrified Kirk, the ground shaking with its every massive footstep. Sure, it would've been goofy as hell, but it would've been goofy in the most awesome, old school Trek way.
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