Full LOST epilogue online, for now
Sunday, August 8, 2010
That 12-minute Lost epilogue, The New Man in Charge, has now leaked online. ABC has been very aggressive about taking it down, but as I write this you can still see it (with Italian subtitles) here. If you want to see this thing, I strongly suggest you click on that link right now, because the video definitely won't be there for long.
(Spoilers ahead, kinda.) I have the feeling that the Lost producers basically sat down with a list of 25 or so "answers" that fans wouldn't shut up about, and they crammed them all into this short clip. It's more of an exposition dump than a proper story, really. (But it's still a little sad to watch this and think that this is probably the last time we'll ever see one of Dr. Chang's orientation videos.) And that ending is kind of cruel. The ambiguity of it and the big, tense music make it seem like a heck of a cliffhanger... But there's no resolution coming ever, this is it!
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