50 greatest animated films, "curated by" Terry Gilliam
Thursday, October 8, 2009
It's pretty obvious they interviewed Gilliam, got his quick opinions of a few animated movies on the list, and then just dropped in those opinions here and there on the list. It's nice way to pad a list out and give it a bit of celebrity heat, but it's also rather sleazy and dishonest. If you're looking for a list of great (and not-so-great) cartoons to argue about, this is that. But if you go in expecting Gilliam to explore these films in any depth at all, you'll be disappointed.
(I think calling My Neighbor Totoro the best animated movie ever is sort of nuts, but at least they didn't give top honors to Kung Fu Panda, like some lists I could name. Shame on you, Yahoo poll answerers! Shame!)
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