Dante, Corman, Feldman(?) team for SPLATTER
Friday, October 9, 2009
With Joe Dante and Roger Corman behind the camera and Corey Feldman in front of it, the upcoming streaming Netflix horror series Splatter is guaranteed to be some serious cheese. But will it be tasty cheddar, or stinky limberger? Only time will tell, but frankly this teaser clip does not bode too well. (Contains some gore, so it might not be safe for work unless your boss is cool with blood and yucky stuff.)
Feldman described it thusly on his personal blog "This will be their first ever live streaming web series. Splatter will be a multi episode web series that will go live on the web on Halloween weekend. My characters name is Jonny Splatter. That is pretty much all I am allowed to say for now."
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