Thursday, October 22, 2009
Mashing up The Mighty Boosh and classic Star Wars is a clever idea and this clip is funny-ish, but it goes on a bit too long and it probably would've worked a lot better with some sort of actual story, however contrived or silly. Just dropping Howard and Vince into random Star Wars scenes gets a little tired after a while, it loses momentum. Still, if you're a fan of the Boosh and Star Wars (and you have to be a really big Boosh fan to get even half of these references), this clip is pretty much a must-see.
He's also got a Boosh/Harry Potter mashup, if you want it. Same deal: sort of funny, but it's just lots of little clips and it kind of goes on forever. But the Boosh boys actually blend in pretty well around Hogwarts, and it's sort of nice to see Howard's lecture on frogs and bears actually find a receptive audience. (Note that both clips feature plenty of swears, enough that they might be NSFW.)
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