Peter Bagge's BRADLEYS to be a Fox pilot
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Bagge's Bradley family strips date back to the '80s, and have been very influential on The Simpsons, among other shows. But Bagge's work is truly dark stuff; despite the comedic elements of his stories, the suburban misery of his characters is very real and sort of hard to imagine airing between The Simpsons and Family Guy.
This isn't the first time Bagge's work was planned for animation. Back in the '90s various studios approached him about animating Hate, and MTV even did some trial animation and ran it by focus groups. The very 1994 Hate short below was apparently commissioned to run before the grunge documentary Hype, and features Buddy Bradley and his would-be hipster pal Stinky getting involved with a grunge rock band that lives in an alley. (I'm not really sure what that's all about. It's not Bagge's best work, frankly.)
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