Tuesday, December 1, 2009
1. It's a cute touch that parts of the story seem to be told with comic book panels. But why do the panels go by so fast you can hardly read them? Is that how it works in the actual game? If so, that seems really peculiar and frustrating.
2. The song in the trailer is OK, kind of reminding me of the bubblegummy pop from the old Archie TV cartoon. But those lyrics are a little surprising. "She turns me on with her wild side, gets me high like a roller coaster ride"? Dude! Come on, this is Archie we're talking about, here. We'll have no talk about turn-ons and getting high, please.
3. Who is this game for? I mean, other than me. I think that crossing Archie with Grand Theft Auto is kind of brilliant, but I suspect I'm one of the few people alive who does.
4. Do the shots where we see Archie's car smash into stuff and then start smoking mean that if your car gets damaged enough, it'll blow up and kill you, GTA-style? (And can you steal people's cars, or run them over? Because while the little cartoon devil on my left shoulder is excited by the prospect, the little cartoon angel on my right shoulder is weeping.)
5. What the heck is that crazy car we see around the 1:44 mark? It looks like the Ecto-1 or something.
6. It seems like we play as just about every person in Riverdale. But do we really spend a level as Veronica Lodge's butler, as the fat bald guy around the 2:05 mark would seem to suggest? Really?
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