Sunday, December 27, 2009
Even if you consider yourself a big William Shatner fan, there's no way you've seen everything he's starred in the last few years. According to the IMDB, between 2004-2008, while Shatner was starring on Boston Legal, he found time to squeeze in 15 other credits! He was in everything from Star Trek video games to Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulous to the reality show Invasion Iowa. (And that IMDB list is by no means complete!)
But in a career that stretches all the way back to 1951 (the year of his debut as "a crook" in The Butler's Night Off), last year's direct to DVD, CGI kiddie picture Gotta Catch Santa could be one of Shatner's most poorly-chosen roles. From the anemic premise to the animation that would've looked iffy in 1996 to musical numbers that wear out their welcome in 5-second exerpts, Gotta Catch Santa is enough to make you pine for the glory days of Li'l Pimp.
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