The Church of "God Zillah"
Sunday, July 19, 2009
You spent your Saturday night drinkin', gamblin' and whorin', as sinners will. Now it's Sunday morning and you awaken weary and ashamed, longing to turn your life around at last...
Well, scrub off the last traces of last night's debauchery, put on your Sunday best, stagger out to your car and head for the city of Zillah in the fair state of Washington. The Church of God Zillah awaits you.

The church's 10-foot, steel Godzilla was built and donated by a local mechanic. The monster has eyes that light up red, and for parades the church loads him onto a trailer and hauls him along behind the youth drill team.
Back in 2000, Rev. Gary Conner told The Seattle Times that the Jesus Lizard is a big hit with the local children: "As you drive past, the kids go, 'I want to go to the church where Godzilla goes.'"
(Funny, I always heard Godzilla was a Buddhist.)
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