New TWILIGHT ZONE movie coming from WB, DiCaprio
Monday, July 20, 2009
My mania for the original Twilight Zone is kind of scary. I grew up loving the show, and there are episodes I've probably seen 20 times by now. If there were Twilight Zone conventions, I would attend dressed as the monster from Nightmare at 20,000 Feet. (I've lost count of how many times I've been arrested for standing outside of William Shatner's home and peering in the windows while wearing a big, furry parka. I've tried to explain to the police that I'm just re-enacting an episode of Rod Serling's classic anthology series, but they'd rather just zap me with the damn taser again than discuss things like reasonable people.)
Now Variety is reporting that Warner Bros. and Leonardo DiCaprio's production company Appian Way have teamed up for a new movie based on the show. As a total goon for all things Serling, I should be thrilled. But I am not. I am very much not.
I still can't forget that Twilight Zone remake series that aired on UPN a few years back. Whenever I think of that show, I get the shudders. To call the scripts crap would be an insult to crap.
Maybe DiCaprio is a real fan of the original series and he's approaching this with the best intentions in the world. But a movie really isn't the best format for the Twilight Zone (the uneven 1983 feature film showed us that) and the idea of yet another attempt to revive the franchise gives me terrifying UPN flashbacks.
Leo better not screw this up... Or I may just have to put on my parka and go rap on his windows, to give him a piece of my mind.

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