The SHINY SHINY glam rock monsters of Haysi Fantayzee's Kate Garner
Friday, July 31, 2009
You '80s babies will never forget Haysi Fantayzee, the bizarre UK duo who gave us such catchy new wave hits as John Wayne is Big Leggy and Shiny Shiny. If you've somehow missed out on the singular experience that is Shiny Shiny, it's time to correct that oversight:
You're welcome.
Kate Garner and Jeremiah Healy had one of the weirdest looks in pop music history. They were like a Donnie and Marie from some other planet, with both sporting giant, floppy top hats, pounds of knotty dreadlocks and extreme makeup designed to make them look alike. Garner was a former model and sometime artist, and she was largely responsible for the pair's outrageous style: she turned Healy into a hillbilly drag queen scarecrow, while her own sexy clown outfits were usually designed to show off exactly as much skin as she could get away with.
After the band broke up they both tried to make a go at solo music careers. Neither went very far, and Healy eventually became a successful club DJ in England while Garner moved to the US and became an in-demand celebrity photographer for clients including Vogue and People. But she's also developed an interesting artistic sideline, making collages featuring horrifying yet glamorous little creatures, mutant club kids fresh from a long night of partying in Hell's hot spots. If Shiny Shiny was too weird for you, a visit to could prove deadly.
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