THE TIME MACHINE papercraft model
Monday, July 20, 2009
Papercraft models make fantastic gifts, especially if you're broke and/or cheap. You show people you care about them by taking the time to put together some complicated little gizmo, the finished product looks cool on a shelf... And they don't cost a dime!
My girlfriend is a geek for George Pal's version of The Time Machine, but for years I couldn't find a papercraft Time Machine online, no matter how much I looked. Finally, just a few months ago, I found the one on this page. (It's very well-done, but it looks tricky enough to assemble that I'm glad I have until Christmas to figure it out.)
If you have ever longed to have a little George Pal Time Machine on a shelf in your home - And goodness, who hasn't? - this is your chance. But hurry, time is running out! Geocities is closing down forever come October, and there's no guarantee this model will still be available after that. Miss your chance now, and you'll really wish you had a time machine... So you could go back in time and tell yourself not to be such a lazy-ass.
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