Gov. Schwarzenegger on werewolves vs. vampires
Thursday, September 3, 2009
If being a monster were like being a bodybuilder, I think a werewolf would probably lose a competition like this. First of all, a vampire is a vampire on a daily (or should I say nightly) basis. He has daily goals that he pursues without stopping or giving up. He can't rest or survive without what he needs.
Werewolves are only werewolves when the moon is full, and, what's that? Once a month? Forget it! That's no way to be a monster! You have to stay at it everyday to be any good, right? Vampires know what this means.
And in a pose-down? Werewolves have way too much hair, but vampires would have terrible routines, since they wouldn't be able to practice in front of mirror.
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