MIGHTY BOOSH movie, series 4 in doubt
Thursday, September 24, 2009
But during the interview they also drop the dispiriting news that they're undecided about making a movie based on the series, and they also have doubts about making a fourth season of the show.
NF: Often, we realize we’ve changed our minds just to do something else. Just to push ourselves to do something different. And it’ll be because we’re sick of it. We do think it might be a bit much if we do another six adventures. How many monsters can we make the musical style of?
JB: The basic thing is, with our characters, they’re always the same. The relationship between the two characters is a similar kind of dynamic all the time. There are some key jokes for us. The joke of our characters.
NF: We realize people are way behind us as well. They’re enjoying that aspect. (Barratt and Fielding have been doing these characters) for 10 years.
JB: We’re really bored of it.
As grim as that excerpt sounds, Barratt and Fielding are generally quite positive about The Mighty Boosh in the interview, talking at length about how the show allows them to really use their skills for music and visual art in a way that few other projects could. These two have a rare partnership, and they're obviously not taking it for granted.
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im old gregg..
JB: We’re really bored of it.
ask not what thefans can do for you but what you can do for the fans , maybe a new monster should be the art ego monster
Season 2 , I reckon was not really up tom scratch. they should make a 4th season to make up for it. keep the fans happy- we need more PLEASE!!!!!
I'm sorry but you've taken those comments way out of context! If you read the whole interview you will see that what they are actually talking about is the fact that they have been doing these characters for so long that they are tempted out of boredom to do things that would fundamentally change the essesnce of their characters...and they have to keep in mind that the characters & jokes are new for most of their fans. Later in the interview they go on to discuss possibilities for a film. There's nothing in this interview to suggest that there won't be more Boosh in some form or another in the near future!
i really couldnt live without a 4th season :(
This is not the first occasion when they've expressed clear ambivalence about doing a movie. And I think Fielding's comment, "We do think it might be a bit much if we do another six adventures" is pretty straightforward. They say a lot of good things about doing the Boosh in the interview, and I suspect they will do more Boosh at some point. But it also sounds like they're not sure what to do next, and there's no guarantee they'll fo another Boosh season or movie.
i don't know what to believe, i have seen reports that the boosh movie has been confirmed along with a 4th series, but then i read this and don't know. well i suppose alot can change in just over a month...
i love boosh, hope there is a new series :D
No i just had interviwew they say they make moveie by end of 2010
I've just watched their new Live DVD release 'Future Sailors'. If thats the sort of terrible quality they will produce in the future, I think they should stop now. Series 1.. excellent. Series 2... excellent. First live show... excellent. Series 3... average. Second Lie show.... terrible, couldn't finish the DVD. I had to turn it off it was so bad.
series 3 was waaaaaaay better than series 2 and series 4 is the best idea ever!!
I would agree that series 3 wasn't as great as what came before, but I think that was a result of their strange decision to keep things confined to the store and to not go out on adventures. It became more of a standard sitcom format then, and suffered for it. But in their AV Club interview they seem to admit as much, which gives me hope for their future shows. I haven't seen the live DVD yet.
There are so many different things being written. I don't know what to believe! I just want a completely trusted source sooooo badly. I really hope some more Boosh is on the way though. Come on boys, dish some up, for us!!! x
More Mighty Boosh--More Mighty Boosh--More Mighty Boosh--More Mighty Boosh...pleeese!
i love the mighty boosh i so cant wait too see the movie nd vince noir (noel fielding) is soooooooooooo hot :$ x
season 3 was deffinatly the worst. certain things make me want a 4th series, but the fact that season three was only averag like the other guy sad, makes me think they shouldnt due to the fact that it might get sour. They do need to creae new things and not stick with the old ones for example: they used the hitcher in season 1 2 and 3. they used the jazz guy in 1 and 3. they should be more creative rather than choose the safe option as seen in series one. the fact that the budget obviously became bigger slightly ruined the creativity in my opinion. A 4th series would be interesting.
If this is the end then i am one happy boy!! they have given us the best tv show ever,and why not leave on a great 3rd seoson.keep it cool!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure the creative geniuses will come up with some more crazy Boosh episodes. Boosh Fever has hit South Africa, don't know how many times I've watched all the episodes of season 1,2 and 3 (the crack fox and old gregg winning by far) but it's brilliant, can't get enough and can't watch an episode enough times. This is the most entertaining show I have ever watched! Thanks Noel and Julian!!!
Series 2 was the best 1 1 and 3 were good but nanageddon,miky joe and old gregg were the est by far
i need the mighty boosh
i dont want them to go
this is an outrage!
i would prefer if they didnt do a 4th ittd probly turn out shit the movie would be awesome though
milky joe an absolute classic, noel wid ruby an precious.....fuckin luv it!!! bring on da 4th series or movie????
Love the Boosh but i just watched the new live DVD and it sucks! First 20 mins is good then they run out of ideas and it goes downhill. By the end it bordering on garbage...........
mighty bofh is the best ting thats happened to TV, series 4 WILL be good!
More Boosh!!! More Boosh!!!! A movie would be frigging awesome!!!! =) and I need my Vince fix... Boy is Noel Feilding a sexy man!!! =D xx
that imposter moon got crunched up like a kit kat
Yno,err, diet coke, the do that with cherries now... :)
Series 3 went in a different dirction to the other series and i think it has allowed them to do more actual story telling rather than just one liners. The surrealism has just improved over the 3 series and the future sailors tour was one of their best yet. People that critcize it and didnt even have the nerve to get tickets and go to the show do not diserve the right to comment on the tour. The vibe from the pair was amazing and the improv stuff just worked. Those 2 are comedy legends and should do the 4th series!
They should do a 4th series and a movie, a movie first to get ppl ready for the 4th series.
Is this the GARAGE! I got a bad feeling about this !!!!
as much as i would love a new season or a boosh movie i can understand that noel and julian may be feeling the characters becoming static and dont want to run them into the ground. and there is a limitation on how much they can achieve with the characters. how ever given time they may find a way to bring back the boosh in a new and exititing way or at least you can olny hope...
I lubb the moon, vince, the hitcher and old greg.
I WANT A 4TH SERIES... please.. i have all the dvds.
Emmzie piie
I'd love to see a 4th series of the boosh but only if its gonna be as good as the first three. If they think they can't match or beat that standard then best to say see ya to the show...I would just have to keep going back to my DVD's and hope in the future they might bring it back when they have some fresh ideas...Wiz Laudan
I really hope they make a 4th series, vince(noel feilding) is funny and (hot), howard (jullian baratt) is jazzy and funny kinda sweet. i love themm!! make a movie!!! and i will be OVER THE MOOOOOON (no pun intened). love tasha
series 2 Rocked? Wtf!!
if they dont make season 4 or a mivie im going to suck there eyes out with a powerful hoover and cram them up my down stairs mix up - old greg
i LOVE the mighty boosh and i wanna see more naboo plz dont leave the mighty boosh i wanna see more and dont change the charcters there perfect bring old greg back oh and the black frost my fave love em . oh also im 11 yrs old like this is totally adult all my friends love mighty boosh to so ur like entertaining my age to so dont LEAVE !!!
a movie would be a no no for me... i waited for a forth series of the league of gentlemen and istead got a movie, which was, despite trying new things and trying to make things epic, didnt really succeed, and since, no L.O.G since... boosh should take old characters like the ape of death, and mr. susan, and add their stories, almost like character prequel info.. old gregg has to return. i was shocked he didnt appear in series three. new characters, and for gods sake, give us dixon bainbridge and the zoo for at least one new episode! anyway, who doesnt like trumpets and bookmarks? i adore them! im fonling one right now!
i heard not long ago that they cant make the 4th season because of bbc isnt givin them the money to produce it and thats why there arent many eps in season 3 but they might be making a movie instead which will be out in 2011
Art ego monster? Lol. These two don't owe their fans anything. Love their minds. Support them while you can.
Bored of it, it is awsome i can not believe that they might not do a fourth season. they can at least make one more.
mi cassa porque un serpiente es arriba y la playa un todo y perro un Es aburrido
oh nein Ich kann nicht glauben, sie könnten nicht eine vierte Reihe von Mighty Boosh ihre so gut
Bitte zumindest nicht eine vierte Reihe, weil die meine Lieblingssendung
this is an outragee!!!!!
Didn't mind all of it was a great series but who knows where the'll wind up!? Zoo, Upstairs of Naboo's then Naboo's shop downstairs. I mean don't get me wrong its a fantastic series and would love nothing more then a series four. They have all made me laugh my arse off so far.
Im fact if you wern't and old geezer I'd be raping you behind the counter now!!! 3rd season was pretty good despite what some say.
Did you see Elsie, boy? Did you dance wiv her? Course you did we all did.
they r making a 4th season wooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
special hobo powers
i gotta mangina, im old gregg!! nicey nicey zoo zoo for him and her and me and u. i ga=otta ba feeling about this.im gonna have to turn my back on u."hold me""what did you say, did u say hold me?""no". this is not a dress its the robe of the scyadellic monks. "why do they call u spider?" "cos ive got 8 of soething" "8 what fingers 8 toes?(glance down) OH"
Bollo got bad feeling about this.
how can you get bored of doing the mighty boosh!
its my lifelong dream!
(and by the way im only 11
I'm the electric super-man.
no sir.
I miss the old days of the first series. Best one by far. As my dvd collection is concerned, there is definitely plenty of room for a series 4 and a movie :)
we need more boosh there has to be a season 4 and or a movie both would be sweet. Come on who else needs more BOOSH?!!
I kinda think they should leave it n just do live hows for a while... go back to their roots until they get some amazing ideas n r back being fresh again.
Dont get me wrong, I love the boosh. I just dont want something put out thats not 'up to scratch.' xxx
As I watch each episode over and over again, I can't help but think that a 4th season is brewing.. crimpety crimpety now now.. crimpety crimpety ask me how.. crimpety crimpety out my way.. crimpety crimpety you will pay.. Bing.. Boing.. crimpety crimpety fuck you..
They do need new ideas for new characters but if any 1 can doit, they can, they just need 2 get there heads onit there both great and so rare of a talent and even though i love that there kind of unknown and that makes them special they should be really big there comedy is amazing there both just as funny as the other come on lads give us a seoson 4 and ill bum ya.... xx
I didn't like series 3 much on first viewing, but after a couple more watches realised the storytelling and quipping were in fact better than the first. Eels up inside you indeed, series 4 could be great as long the original fans let the boys develop as they need to. Zoonoverse was genuis, but seven years have passed so let the Boosh do their thing!!
Love boosh! To end it now would b a travesty. Series 3 was nowere near 1 and 2 the zooniverse was genius
Series 3 was the best of them all. I can't believe they wouldn't make another. What about us, their loving fans?
"This is an outrage!"
i sort of aggree with teir desision to now make another one for a while because all of the episodes are brilliant but could they make it better?
i think it would be really hard to do that and series 2 was the best (:
I like the mighty boosh, and bunny and the bull. has anyone seen that film, its ace
I LOVE the boosh, and i definitely think that they should do a season four, and a movie, but I do believe that the live future sailors show was terrible, but only because there wasn't really a story line to it. It was more that they were introducing past characters that any fans of the boosh would already know. They need to try and incorporate newer jokes instead of repeatedly using the old ones. However, like I said, I still love the boosh, and would definitely be up for a fourth season and a movie!
mod wolves and nannageddon are my faves, series 2 also
I'm as close to the mighty boosh as I can get without getting my eyes wet
honestly, if they do ANYTHING i'll be happy with it.. i'd say they shouldn't do a 4th series if they know its gonna be bad.. but they have to do something else then. And what happened to the movie thing? someone said it was confirmed to come out start of last year? WHERE HAVE THE MIGHTY BOOSH GONE?!
Please Please Please let them make us happy again :} MOZZERISGREAT
that is some upsetting news but i can see why they would get bored of it eventually... and like noel said, how many more monster's can they make up.... after 10 years of random character's and creature's i'm pretty sure they would have done it all by now!! still totally gutted we not going to be seeing them together in the boosh...... FAIRWELL TOUR I THINK!!!!! AND COME BACK TO PORTSMOUTH!!!!!!!!!!
Series three was lacking in a lot of aspects ,it was a bit to polished for my liking.the whole charm of the first and second series was the sets and costumes and less special effects ..
did you enjoy that boy?
hahahahahahha ells ells
if you dont make another season ill come at you like a buzzard, like a ray, im mosoon moon
I love the mighty boosh its the best program ever
im old greg
Wanah go to a club where people wee on eachother
the spirit of jazz is gonna wear you like a puppet
make series 4
Obozavam ,,Mighty Boosh",u prevodu ,,Moćne Kosijanere",jer su najbolji ,najsmesniji!!!!Po meni je najbolja epizoda ,,Old Greg"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want another season... I know there is a possibility, but I don't know how this is going to turn out. it is going to be so different!
A mighty boosh movie is now actually going to happen! in a recent interview with NME Noel Fielding said that he would love to get back with Julian and create a movie! in an even more recent interview however, he said that he had met up with Julian and they brainstormed ideas and started to formulate a plot for THE MIGHTY BOOSH MOVIE!!! Noel and Julian said that production would commence after the first season of Luxury Comedy had finished (WHICH IT HAS!) so look out world.. because the BOOSH IS LOOSE AND THEY'RE A LITTLE BIT RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW!!!!
please we need more bbboooooosssshhhhhhh xx
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