CONSTANTINE sequel still possible
Thursday, April 23, 2009
In an interview with SCI FI Wire, producer Lauren Shuler Donner discussed a few of the seemingly dozens of X-Men movies in various stages of development, saying that a potential Magneto movie depends on the success of the Wolverine picture and that she pictures First Class as a kind of superhero Pretty in Pink.
More interestingly (well, at least to me,) she also says that the long-in-development Constantine sequel isn't dead. (Her comments on the matter, in full: "Looks very good. Thinking about it. Looking for a writer.")
I thought the first film was underrated. It wasn't fantastic, but it had an interesting mythology and monsters, and it's always fun to watch Keanu try to act tortured. People who went in expecting the Vertigo comic were bitterly disappointed, but just as a movie, Constantine was worth seeing. Here's hoping that sequel happens. (Click on the image at left or on this text link to purchase Constantine on Blu-ray.)
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