US missle bunker converted into awesome hippie mansion
Monday, April 20, 2009
Wired has posted a fascinating photo essay about a Kansas missile bunker that was converted into a sprawling, underground mansion by a family of industrious hippiefolk.
In 1982, schoolteacher Ed Peden drove out to investigate a decommissioned nuclear missile bunker that was up for sale near his hometown of Topeka, Kansas. He found 34 acres of grass in need of mowing and, deep below ground, an 18,000-square-foot warren of concrete tunnels, most of it flooded with rainwater.
Peden stripped to his shorts and dropped a rope ladder into the flooded base. Most of the rooms were three-quarters flooded, and the water had stagnated for nearly two decades. Holding his nose to dive under doorways between the flooded rooms, Peden took his first tour of what would soon become his family home.
I am awed by what these people have achieved. They've turned this Cold War horror into an absolutely stunning home.Got a tip for Monsters and Rockets? Want to contribute to the site? Send us an email.
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