Piperoids: Paper pipe robots, just in time for Mother's Day

Monday, April 27, 2009

Mother's Day will be here soon, and you're stuck trying to think of what the heck to get for your mom. Well, why not get her a robot companion, lovingly built with your very own hands? Piperoids are seriously cute Japanese toy robots you assemble by fitting together colorful paper tubes. Many designs are available, and when complete they only stand between 5 and 8 inches tall, so they don't take up much room. Click the picture at left to begin browsing the papercraft automatons at Amazon.com. (Try saying that 3 times fast!)

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"Science fiction plucks from within us our deepest fears and hopes, then shows them to us in rough disguise: the monster and the rocket." - W.H. Auden

Who is he, this one who is called "Greg Stacy"?

Greg Stacy began the MONSTERS AND ROCKETS blog in April of 2009. Prior to that, he was editor of the popular sci-fi/horror news website DARKWOLDS.COM. He has also written for LA WEEKLY, OC WEEKLY, UTNE READER and LOS ANGELES CITYBEAT. He always feels weird writing about himself in the third person.

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