First TRON 2 photos online
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thanks to IFilm, the first photos are online from the Vancouver set of Disney's upcoming Tron sequel. We'll admit it, we're still in shock about this whole thing. We're shocked Disney is actually making a sequel to an oddball, cult hit from decades ago, shocked Jeff Bridges is returning to the role of Flynn the renegade computer programmer, shocked by how expensive the project will reportedly be, and shocked to see how cheesy the poor guy in the photo below looks wandering around town in his Tron PJs.
Remind you of anyone?

Oh, we kid. (Although seriously, if they don't give Tron Guy a cameo in this thing, there's no justice in this world.) We know the lead characters in the movie probably won't be dressed like Captain Jammies at the craft services table, up there. Our guess is that he's supposed to be a cosplayer at a game convention or something, or that this is just a crude stand-in costume that will be enhanced quite a bit with CGI for the finished film.
An anonymous source tells IFilm that from the look of things, the film's action scenes won't all take place inside the computer world.
They have been spending some crazy money here. They have been blocking off huge main sections of downtown for some pretty awesome looking action scenes. I saw tons of police cars chasing a guy hanging on to the top of a taxi. There were huge cranes holding up a stunt wire rig rig like I have never seen before.
More as it develops.
So far, I haven't been asked to appear in the film. If they ask, I'm there.
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