Weird Al's CNR and SKIPPER DAN
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Yeah, I know, I kind of stopped paying attention to Weird Al when I was 12, too. But he's got a pair of new videos online, and they're both totally and undeniably excellent in very different ways.
CNR is a hilarious look at the mighty slab of manliness that was Charles Nelson Reilly, sort of set to the White Stripes' Dead Leaves and Dirty Ground.
Skipper Dan is more sad than funny, a real departure for Weird Al. If you've ever been on the Jungle Cruise at Disneyland, you'll know how well he's captured the special bitterness of the people who host that ride. I've never understood why everybody else in the park is all smiles, but the Jungle Cruise people just openly hate their lives. Last time I went, the host wouldn't stop crabbing about the traffic on his way to work. At the time I just thought it was really annoying and unprofessional, but now I feel his pain.
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