Friday, August 21, 2009
Ladies, have you ever wanted to transform your butt into a horrifying cat-monster that constantly winks at passerby? How about adorning your ass with two duck heads that constantly snap their beaks? Or maybe you longed to slap a big, crazy owl head across your posterior? Well, thanks to Winkers, your dreams have come true!
Via Metafilter, where this link has apparently been posted a number of times, only to then be deleted because the mods think people are posting this to laugh at heavyset ladies. I think that's totally missing the point. Seeing this clip, I sure ain't laughing at what the Black Eyed Peas would refer to as "all that ass inside them jeans." But I am in hysterics about the jeans themselves, because they are quite possibly the most wonderfully stupid thing there ever was.
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