HI-FI PIZZA OF THE APOCALYPSE 5: Dan Aykroyd as Yogi Bear
Friday, November 6, 2009
Inspired by this apocalyptic moment from an old Daniel Clowes Eightball comic, Hi-Fi Pizza of the Apocalypse is a Monsters and Rockets feature where we chronicle the Hollywood rehashes, recyclings and recombinings that serve as ominous portents of the End Times.
Today's harbinger of doom: An upcoming CGI/live-action movie version of Yogi Bear, featuring Dan Aykroyd as Yogi, Justin Timberlake as Boo-Boo Bear and Anna Faris as a girl making a nature documentary. Oh, Danny... This is a sad, sad fate for the man who gave the world the Super Bass-O-Matic 76.
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