SESAME STREET's Grover endorses gay marriage
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
One more Sesame Street bit. (Hey, your boss won't mind if you spend your workday watching old Sesame Street videos!) In this early clip, Grover and a little boy named Jesse define marriage. It's a cute bit, but the remarkable thing is that given recent headlines this actually plays a lot like a PSA about gay marriage. At no point do Grover and Jesse say that a married couple has to be a man and a woman, and the things they say make up a marriage - kissing, hugging, being friends, helping each other - would apply to any married couple, straight or gay.
It's obvious to anyone who has been around any length of time to know the reason why they did not mention marriage as being between a man and a woman, is because that is the only type of marriage deemed acceptable at the time. All other "marriages" at the time (e.g. polygamy) were deemed inappropriate, so those forms were not discussed.
You should quit trying to degrade Sesame Street into something that was never intended.
They obviously weren't intentionally advocating equal rights for gay couples. I don't even know how many gays were advocating for gay marriage back then, it was a different world. My point was that, divorced from context and seen in light of recent headlines, the sequence played like a very sweet PSA for gay marriage. (And I'd guess that most of the Sesame Street people wouldn't have a big problem with that.) I wasn't trying to "degrade" anybody.
@ Greg - it really wasn't necessary for you to respond to "Anonymous" clearly logical people get your point and anonymous must be illogical and idiotic otherwise they would have not been ashamed to say their name...........
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