Demonsters are delightful, delicious, sometimes depraved
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Demonsters are large, hairy cartoon beasties who struggle to get along in a hectic modern world that's just not made for them. They're too big for our sidewalks and they talk weird and have gross manners. Sure, some of them are up to no good. But most of them are stand-up guys, with jobs and families of their own. Mostly, they just want to be loved. And they want candy. If you're out at the local lumber store and you see a Demonster struggling to carry something, be a good neighbor and offer to help him out. You might just make a new friend.
Of course, if a Demonster offers you a sniff of his armpit, you should politely decline or he might get the wrong idea. Well, unless that's what you're into... And if so, hey, takes all kinds. (Note that these cartoons, while often adorable, are not safe for work and shouldn't be shown to small children unless you want to mess them up for life.)
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