LAND OF THE LOST movie still won't go away
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Yes, there's yet another new trailer for this affront to all things decent. Seriously? If a bunch of people who hated me personally got together and tried to think of the movie that would piss me off the most, it would be this. I can almost hear them.
"Hey, let's make Rick Marshall into a braying ass, and have him portrayed by the comic actor Greg Stacy finds most hateful."
"Tim Allen?"
"No. Worse. I'm thinking Will Ferrell." "
"Excellent. And let's make Holly his assistant instead of his daughter, and they'll have this totally gross romance."
"Genius! That'll drive Greg Stacy nuts."
"Gentlemen, two words: fart jokes."
Actually, I kinda think that's exactly how it happened. It would explain a lot.
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