Change (and chainsaws) we can believe in
Thursday, May 28, 2009
It sounds like a Robot Chicken sketch that would last for about 45 seconds max, but the folks at Dynamite Entertainment are planning a four-issue comics series teaming Ash (the hero of Sam Raimi's Evil Dead film series, played in all of the films by genre great Bruce Campbell) and Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama.
Army of Darkness: Ash Saves Obama will follow Ash as he journeys to a comics convention. While there he encounters Obama, and the pair team up to thwart the latest uprising of the sinister Deadites.
Dynamite's previously matched Ash with such geek icons as H.P. Lovecraft’s ReAnimator, Darkman, Xena, Freddy Krueger and Friday the 13th's Jason, but this will be his first teaming with a US president. But it won't be Obama's first comic book appearance. The 44th president has previously been featured in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man and other comics.
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