New LAND OF THE LOST trailers and the five stages of grief
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I've been passing through the five stages of grief regarding the upcoming Land of the Lost movie.
First, Denial: "They're not really going to make a dumb-ass Will Ferrell comedy out of this cool, crazy sci-fi show I've loved since I was a kid. It'll never happen."
Then, Anger: "What the hell? Why do the Transformers fanboys get a big-deal action movie based on their stupid kid show, while my show gets treated like a freaking joke?"
Followed by Bargaining: "Listen, Ferrell, I have your dog. If you want to see Mr. Tinkles again, you won't let the studio release this piece of trash."
Then came the Depression: "Wait, this is Colin Farrell? Oh, Jesus, I kidnapped the wrong damn dog. I can't do anything right."
The next stage is supposed to be Acceptance. But as I watch these two horrible new trailers for this horrible movie, Acceptance seems a long way off.
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