America's first face transplant is one classy lady
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Connie Culp is my new hero. This woman went through the hell of losing her face from a shotgun blast. She couldn't eat solid foods or breathe on her own, and the sight of her terrified children. Now doctors have given her a new face, and Culp is approaching her new life with really inspiring grace and humility.
"I guess I'm the one you came to see today," she told reporters in a press conference. But "I think it's more important that you focus on the donor family that made it so I could have this person's face."
Her face is still not perfected, and she'll need more operations to bring down the swelling. But she now looks "normal" again, and as a person who has lived with tragic disfigurement, she has something important to tell us all.
"When somebody has a disfigurement and don't look as pretty as you do, don't judge them, because you never know what happened to them," she said. "Don't judge people who don't look the same as you do. Because you never know. One day it might be all taken away."
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