THE CABONAUTS scoop! (Well, a scoop-let)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
In the previous item on the upcoming sci-fi comedy musical webseries The Cabonauts, I did some conjecturing about the genre actors who will appear in upcoming episodes. ("Robert Picardo from Voyager, Anthony Stewart Head from Buffy, Billie Piper from Doctor Who...")
Well, mere hours later the show's star/writer/producer/etc. Hayden Black posted a comment in response. (It's signed "anonymous," but this afternoon he also mentioned the article on his official Twitter page so I'm pretty sure the comment is from him.)
Hayden here - and thanks for covering The Cabonauts, Greg! You'll be pleased to know that one of the 3 names you've mentioned will indeed be co-starring in our second episode :) More soon...!
So, Robert Picardo, Anthony Stewart Head or Billie Piper is slated to appear in the series. Piper seems like the long shot. She's got that Diary of a Call Girl thing going and I get the feeling she's maybe trying to move away from the sci-fi genre to avoid typecasting. Picardo and Head both seem like they'd be down for something like this. I'm guessing Picardo, mostly because he already lives in America and it would be less trouble for him to travel.
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