Whedon said no to BUFFY movie
Saturday, June 13, 2009
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon (Click the image at left to buy the series on DVD) revealed that Kaz Kazui and Fran Rubel Kazui, the husband-and-wife producer team of the controversial upcoming movie reboot of Buffy, did contact him about being involved in some capacity.
"I believe [the producers] did ultimately reach out to my agent after the news broke," Whedon says. "I think that's something better left untouched by me. So, I wish them luck."
Some sites (like I09) are interpreting this as Whedon not being interested in a Buffy movie, and giving the producers his blessing to go ahead without him. But I seriously doubt that's how this went down. It sounds more like they announced they were doing a reboot, heard the bad feedback from fans and then asked if Whedon wanted to be involved in a project that would remake (rather than continue) the franchise he started. (And for all we know, maybe they just approached him about being a "consultant," offering him a title and a token fee to get the irate fans off their backs.)
Jeez, can you blame Whedon for turning it down? I'm impressed by how diplomatic he's being, actually... Especially since he's made no secret of the misery the Kazuis put him through on the original Buffy movie.
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