To Be DIScontinued! - The Hall of Unresolved TV Cliffhangers
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
It sure won't win any prizes for graphic design, but To Be DIScontinued is a fun look back at all the shows that were prematurely canceled, with big questions left unanswered.
Was Jessica Tate really killed by a firing squad in the final episode of the classic sitcom Soap? (Click the image at left to buy Soap: The Complete Series (Slim Packaging) What happened to Agent Cooper after he was possessed by a demon at the end of Twin Peaks? If these questions have left you sleepless for years, the folks at the Hall of Unresolved Cliffhangers feel your pain. Going decade by decade, they catalog the great unfinished TV tales, offer a few nuggets of backstage info about why the show ended as it did, and occasionally even provide a little narrative closure. (Apparently Jessica Tate's fate was resolved, sort of, when she appeared as a ghostly presence in an episode of the Soap spinoff Benson. It seems she did indeed get gunned down by the firing squad. We were better off not knowing that, weren't we?)
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