Mac's WTF
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
This bizarre viral video first hit the net in 2007, and ever since then it's been arousing, puzzling and disgusting people all over the world. It's a commercial for the toxic-looking WTF drink sold at Mac's Convenience Stores in Canada. (Mac's is apparently a sort of Canuck Circle K, and the WTF is their version of a Slushie.)
In the US we've gotten used to surreal, deliberately baffling commercials, as increasingly desperate advertisers do everything they can think of to attract our attention. But this ad is miles beyond Emerald Nuts, and we probably still haven't quite reached the point where anything like this could air on broadcast TV... It's a little too weird, a little too gross and way too sexually suggestive to slip past our censors. I almost feel like I should slap a NSFW warning on this thing. You've got a good minute or so of steamy, softcore lesbian porn before things take a very strange turn indeed. You have been warned.
You can see some of the other ads in the series in the clip below. There's no more lesbian erotica, but plenty of off-putting strangeness.
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